Stella McCartney
Stella McCartney achieved something, what not everybody could - she is NOT famous because of her name (she's the daughter of Paul McCartney), but because of her active work in fashion-world. She is also the first one, who started "green fashion". It means, all of her collection is animal product-free, many pieces are eco sustainable, biodegradable, she works with velvet, linen, recycled nylon, and her logo is 'organic cotton'. It's not a surprise, that she does so many things for the environment, because also her late mother was an animal-activist.
But she doesn't want people to buy her clothes only because they are green, she wants it "because they're beautiful". She also says: "My first job is fashion designer."
McCartney says: "Being green sort of came without thinking."
It's Easter-time, but she still keeps on working. Stella McCartney and other designers like Cookie Speed, Nicky Clarke, ... , all design bunny pictures. The creations will be sold on the 26th of May 2011 in London (also online on The money will be given for the "Great Ormond Street Hospital".
My favourite designs are from Stella McCartney, John Frieda and Marc Quinn:
Stella McCartney's bunny is really simple, but that's why it's one of my favourites. The clear picture with the gold colour, which is already in itself flashing, is lost, because the two kind of materials, both allures our eyes. I love this picture!
When I first saw the design of John Frieda, I just saw the heart and the interesting muster in it. Only after I looked away, I realized, that there was something, a bunny, in the middle. I love the idea, and I think, John Frieda brought it perfectly on paper! I feel harmony, when I'm discovering that creation, probably because of the hypnotizing muster and colour-combination!
Marc Quinn's design is very unique. First, the purple-red contrast catches my eyes, then the different muster. Only at the end comes the form of the bunny clear from the picture out. I love the muster of the purple flower, because it reminds me on an animal-muster, and after thinking of that, I realize, there's a bunny in the picture. Also the strawberry-tomato contrast is interesting, because they both have the colour same. But there's also a harmony of the nature in the design. Whatever, Marc Quinn is tricky, and it's funny, how his picture is playing with our mind!
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