Last week friends were here from Hungary and we walked a lot in Hong Kong. So, I thought, why don't I use the time, and make some photos for my next post. I only had my iPhone with me, but the quality of the pictures isn't that bad. First we went on the Peak, which is the highest point of Hong Kong. Tourists like it very much because of the nice view. Well, I think, is not the biggest attraction in HK, because the weather is almost always too humid, so I can't see many buildings, not even with my glasses... But it was ok. We went down to Central with a little train. One of the best part of my day was, when I saw the shots of the Chloé campaign at the station! It was good to see something, what has something(in this situation a lot) to do with fashion!
We just arrived in Central, when we met fashion again. A chinese girl in wedding dress stood in the middle of HK! I think, her dress was great, and also her make-up was nice. You know, many Chinese use skin-whitener products, and I like it, because it fits to their hair-colour. So, we were wondering how lovely she is, when our friend asked her to allow us to take a picture of her, and she immediately showed the symbol of peace with her fingers... I hate, when people are posing on pictures like this. It just makes me angry!!

This is my favourite skyscraper, what I can see
from HK Park!! I love the design of it!
You see those two black points on the building?
They are cleaning the windows! Well, it will probably take a long time to clean all windows...

I hope, you didn't mind, that today I didn't write about fashion as much, but I thought, maybe you would be interested in HK and how living there is!